There are Exercise vs. Diet plenty of reasons why you might be interested in losing weight – whether you want to look good in your clothes or be more active, exercise vs diet for weight loss can help you achieve the results you’re looking for. However, both of these things have their benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to know the differences between them before deciding which one to choose. This guide will give you some information on what makes each of them different and how they work, so you can make an informed choice on which option to go with when trying to lose weight.
Table of Contents
Exercise to Lose Weight
No matter what you’ve heard, exercise and diet are equally effective at helping you lose weight over time. According to a recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, nearly two-thirds of overweight and obese adults lost significant amounts of weight after one year on either a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet (25). If exercising while following a diet sounds like too much work.
Consider that losing just 5 percent of your body weight can improve cardiovascular health and enhance longevity (26). You should aim to get 250 minutes or more each week of moderate-intensity activity—or 30 minutes five times per week—to reap these benefits. Just don’t forget about diet! Exercise alone won’t help you keep off unwanted pounds.
Types of Exercise
When it comes to weight loss, there are three main types of Exercise vs. Diet—aerobic, anaerobic and resistance. What each type of exercise accomplishes differs quite a bit, so what you’re looking to accomplish will help you decide which form of physical activity might be best for you. Here’s a breakdown of each type: Aerobic Exercise: When we think about aerobic exercise (think running or cycling),.
Most people don’t think they can stick with it long enough or hard enough to burn serious calories or shed some pounds. But that’s not necessarily true! In fact, if you do it right, you can work up a sweat while still maintaining your cardiovascular health. The key here is to start slowly and work your way up over time as your endurance improves.
Anaerobic Exercise: This kind of exercise doesn’t require oxygen to fuel muscle contractions like aerobic exercise does; instead, it relies on stored carbohydrates in muscles known as glycogen. Because of that difference, anaerobic exercise tends to leave us feeling out-of-breath and fatigued after just a few minutes; however, because our bodies have limited amounts of glycogen available at any given time, these intense bursts tend to burn more fat than other forms of exercise over longer periods.
Exercise vs. Diet to Lose Weight
When people think of weight loss, they typically think of diet first and exercise second, despite that exercise has been shown to be more effective in helping you lose weight than dieting alone. In fact, when subjects were put on a diet with no exercise component or on an exercise regimen without a dietary plan, those who exercised lost significantly more weight than those who only changed their eating habits.
Exercise also helps preserve muscle mass, which keeps your metabolism up so you can continue to burn fat even after you’ve stopped exercising (this phenomenon is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC). Exercise boosts your resting metabolic rate (the number of calories you burn at rest), meaning there’s less room for excess calories and fat storage.
The Importance of Healthy Snacks
When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s easy to tell yourself that you Exercise vs. Diet can make up for extra calories on one day by going on a diet or even exercising excessively another day. If you find yourself saying something like I can have one cookie a day and burn it off with 5 miles of walking tomorrow, stop right there.
Healthy snacking is not an excuse to ignore smart eating habits and exercise—it’s a part of them! So don’t use snacks as permission to break your diet; use them as an opportunity to strengthen your weight loss goals. Instead of reaching for high-calorie treats, try filling your snack time with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables that are low in fat but high in vitamins and nutrients.
By filling your body with nutrient-rich foods, you’ll be helping to keep hunger at bay while also supporting overall health. And if you do reach for a snack once in a while (and we all do), just be sure it isn’t loaded down with saturated fats or processed sugars that could hinder weight loss efforts.
A Good Night’s Sleep: You may have heard before how important sleep is when it comes to losing weight effectively—but did you know why? The answer lies in our hormones! During sleep, our bodies release growth hormone which helps us build muscle mass and shed fat stores.
What to Eat After Working Out
Working out more intensely also ups your after-exercise calorie burn, says sports dietician Marie Spano, RD, CSSD, LDN. That’s because exercise helps build lean muscle tissue and revs up your metabolism to help you break down fat during and after your workout session. To keep that calorie burn going strong all day long—so you can lose weight.
Without working out try having some of these delicious post-workout snacks on hand at home or in your gym bag a small handful of nuts; a few squares of dark chocolate (at least 70 percent cacao); a serving of low-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries; or a medium banana with one tablespoon peanut butter. Just make sure they don’t contain any added sugars.
Final Thoughts
If they do, opt for an unsweetened version instead. This way you won’t undo your progress toward burning fat! Previous research has suggested that exercise isn’t as effective as dieting for helping people shed pounds, but new research suggests otherwise.
A study published in JAMA found that when it comes to losing weight, Lifestyle Fitness exercise may be just as important as eating healthy. In fact, participants who combined regular exercise with healthy eating habits lost about twice as much weight compared to those who only followed their diets throughout the entire yearlong study period.
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