Space for creativity or still strict adherence to the format? What can you deduct points for? Is there any algorithm for writing an essay in an essay manner? We answer all the questions in this article, dedicated to preparing for the exam composition in Russian. If you are not interested in reading this, buy a cheap essay!

What is reader reaction criticism?

Do I need to follow the format?

Based on my experience of passing the exam in 2017, I can say that following the format is half a success. Develop for yourself an algorithm and your clichés for writing an essay so as not to deviate from the format and not miss anything important. As my tutor, a member of the Federal Commission for the Development of KIM, said, the unspoken criterion of last year was that to pass the essay successfully, the graduate had to use the wording “the author poses a problem” in the introductory part (does not “put forward,” does not “consider,” does not “think about the problem”). Such a beginning immediately disposed the experts to you. Compliance with the format is a must!

Algorithm for working with text

I started preparing for the composition a month before the exam. By regularly practicing in May, I could fill my hand using the following algorithm.

Introductory reading of the text to get the big picture. If necessary, the text can be read a second time.

Conscious reading with highlighting of keywords, toponyms, names

You are reading the text for the third time. It needs to be broken down into micro-topics. For each micro-topics, you need to ask questions and develop a title.

Formulation of the problem:

(mainly for journalistic texts)Select a sentence containing the primary meaning that the author wanted to convey, then ask him a question. This will be the problem posed by the author.

(for literary texts): read “between the lines”: what did the author want to say? If it is difficult to pose a problem, carefully look at the keywords and try to determine the author’s idea from them.

Highlight key quotes and points important for understanding the text. You will use them in the central part.

Definition of the position of the author:

It is the backbone of your essay. All your further work is already being built on it: quotes and arguments are selected.

Further, according to a well-known plan:
problem statement;
author’s comments;
the position of the author;
own position;

Essay structure


It is necessary to write an introduction. In it, you briefly (in two or three sentences) describe the main content of the text to let the reviewer know that you have studied the text in detail.

Author’s position

After a concise statement, state the problem. The best way to do this is with a question. Having highlighted the author’s position, ask her a question and indicate it immediately after the introduction. You can continue with the words: “The writer poses such a problem.”

Comment on the problem

When writing a commentary, ask yourself: “How does the author bring us to the problem? What events, actions, and dialogues of the characters play a crucial role in his plan? The answer may be a quotation or a specific episode, which is a turning point in the scope of the proposed short text. They must create exactly the picture of what is happening. Here are some clichés, for example:

I was thinking about this issue.
The author emphasizes / shares interesting life observations / emphasizes.
To emphasize, the author introduces us to.
To capture the attention of readers.
Narrating, the author tells a true story.
The author cites an episode from the narrator’s life / introduces readers to it.
By narrating, the author makes us think.
Avoid wording like “the author believes/believes/believes,” as they can be mistaken for the author’s position.

Own position

In this section, you need to express your agreement or disagreement with the author and justify it. In this case, one can refer to personal or universal human experience. Here is what I wrote in my position, based on the text of Tendryakov, where humanity was the central problem: “One cannot but agree with the position of V. Tendryakov. When you see terrible tragedies on the news, you involuntarily admire the unity, humanity, and selflessness people show in such situations. They are ready to help their neighbor and lend a shoulder. It is at such moments that people become a single whole, a single people without nationality and any “dislocations of history.” Speaking about the problem of humanity, I refer to life experience.

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