Do you want to delight your guests with the most delicious food at your wedding event? If yes, then you have to think out of the box.

A food platter is the most common advice you will get from caterers. But for an unconventional and fun wedding reception, you need to add more ideas.

To make a memorable event, think of some unique ideas to add to the list of wedding catering you have hired. Well, we understand it’s time-consuming as well as demands extra effort. So, here we are as a savior.

Check out the best seven ideas for your wedding event that will appear good and taste better. Let’s dive in! 

7 Out Of The Box Catering Ideas For Your Wedding Reception 

1. Melting Hearts With Childhood Classic

Well, the best idea for delighting guests is to add a childhood classic to make them remember “the childhood days.”

You can serve them food with delicious culinary art that will surely make them remember the old days. With the great look, make sure the food should have high standards and tastes well. You can pair mini grilled cheeses with tomato basil soup. It will satisfy the cravings as well as give them “An Instagram-Friendly Picture.”

2. Use A Stick To Place Food

It looks fancy as well as promotes hygiene!

Nowadays, people appreciate unique food styles. So add delicious finger food, and use fancy sticks to keep them. Also, your guests will love to grab snacks from a stick. Moreover, for your wedding reception, consider serving bite-sized pieces. It will provide convenience to guests for mixing and matching their food.

Ensure the services of food catering in Melbourne you have chosen should serve fried mac or fruit, skewered meats, and cheese bites with toothpicks. With minimal effort, this option will make your guests happy. 

3. Add Multiple Food Truck

Adding 5,6 or more food trucks to a wedding venue will make it look unique. Ask your event cateringprovider to arrange decorated food trucks.

Also, make sure you discuss the price as well as further services initially. Moreover, you have the option of customizing the food trucks accordingly. They might charge you a few extra bucks for personalized decors.

Ensure renting separate trucks for non-veg, vegetarian, vegan food, and other meals. Also, the truck should have different spaces for dessert, salads, and entrees. 

4. Try A Coffee Bar

You can provide champagne, wine, or other drinks to people (who consume alcohol), but what about others?

We can bet that most of the people (more than 60% approx) at your wedding will love to have coffee.

So, nothing is better than adding a coffee bar to your wedding!

Yes, you read right, same as a drink bar, add a coffee bar. Here you need to ask the wedding catering service provider to offer customized coffee.

For example, if a guest likes 3 TBS sugar, the coffee bar tender must add it accordingly. Or if someone is demanding low-sugar coffee, then that must be available.

5. Let’s Grill It

With the best location and decorations, having the right food catering is the most important element. So, one more unique idea for a wedding reception catering is adding grilled food.

It would be easier to pick up the best barbecue foods and use the grilling method. Either they can opt for electric grills or charcoal grills. One more option is wood pellet grilling, but it takes time to heat up well.

6. Spoonful

It may seem weird, but your guests will love this idea.

Add a spoonful of the dessert or any mouth freshener that your guests can have after their meals. Nowadays, catering styles are changing rapidly for wedding receptions. So, adding a spoonful option would add a pinch of uniqueness to the event.

7. Wrap-Up Event With Dessert

Don’t miss varieties of desserts at your wedding reception. Sometimes food catering providers focus on other meals that they forget they skip adding desserts. Or sometimes they add just one dessert. So, keep your priority to add many desserts to your list.

There must be at least three types (or more) of desserts at the wedding reception. Also, add many catered food stations that will only focus on serving desserts.

Try setting up a cake pop display, pumpkin pie, candied apples, and more. We suggest hiring a professional event catering in Melbourne, who will provide dessert only.

Final Words

Your wedding is a Big Day so try not to repeat the common mistakes like every other function. Adding uniqueness and variety will help you get a huge success.

Many other unique wedding catering ideas would be helpful for your reception. Well, implementing the out-of-the-box ideas we have listed above will surely make your guests feel overwhelmed.

Choose the ideas that are possible for you to implement and afford. Ultimately, it’s your wedding, so choose and serve the food and beverages you find suitable.