How to Remodel Your Bathroom on a Budget

A limited budget doesn’t mean you can’t remodel your bathroom. Plenty of small, inexpensive ideas exists regarding bathroom remodeling, making it easy to give the space a proverbial facelift. Let’s check out a few of the very best bathroom remodeling ideas on a budget courtesy of your favorite Los Angeles general contractors:

Paint the Walls

Painting is always a go-to in terms of inexpensive remodeling projects, and with good reason. A small to medium-sized can of paint is plenty depending on the size of your bathroom; look for acrylic semi-gloss options for best results. Paint also protects walls and ceilings from moisture and water. Go for one solid color, create a mural, or try a few contrasting colors…it’s up to you!

Update Fixtures

Small details such as faucets, cabinet drawer pulls, towel racks, and light fixtures easily lend themselves to budget-conscious bathroom updates. Update dingy faucets and outdated fixtures with sleek new options to modernize your bathroom. Another option is to go the used route via eBay and similar sites and find new or antique possibilities for cheap. 

Fix Broken Tile

Tile Does bathroom flooring or walls feature a few broken or chipped tiles? While replacing tile floors and walls often gets expensive quickly, switching out a few broken tiles for new ones won’t break the piggy bank. It also looks much, much better!

Add New Rugs

If your bathroom rugs are worn from foot traffic and so stained no amount of washing machine time can save them, throw them out. Big, extra-plush rugs that protect feet from cold tile feel great and add significantly to the room’s aesthetic quality.

Use Caulk

Fresh applications of caulk do wonders for bathrooms as well. Grimy grout looks terrible, no matter how lovely your bathroom otherwise is. Add straight, clean caulk lines to bathroom sinks and tubs, and enjoy how much better the room looks. Joel & Co Construction

Moreover, the mission will discuss the progress achieved

Moreover, the mission will discuss the progress achieved, difficulties, as well as the necessary steps and resources that will strengthen the capacity of the RCU and PIUs to expedite implementation of both projects. The mission will also draw from the recent in-depth exercise organised by the World Bank’s Department of Regional Integration while monitoring the activities of both projects.  It will therefore include technical workshops and special review meetings on procurement, financial management and environmental protection.

Regarding the Regional Electricity Access Project (ECOWAS-REAP), the mission will specifically discuss matters relating to the execution of contracts for the design, supply and installation of electricity distribution infrastructure, compensation of people affected by the project, monitoring of disbursement targets, status of the action plan of the last implementation support mission and monitoring of indicators of the project results framework.

Regarding the Regional Electricity Access Project and Battery Energy Storage Technology (BEST)

Regarding the Regional Electricity Access Project and Battery Energy Storage Technology (BEST), the mission will focus on the progress and challenges to be addressed in order to comply with funding agreement commitments; the level of preparedness of the feasibility study on the electricity access component; the bidding process for the recruitment of consultant engineers and construction firms; the conduct of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), and Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) and budget allocation for the compensation of affected persons.The work of the mission was officially declared open on Monday 10 October 2022 at the offices of ECOWAS in Niger House, Abuja by Mr Bayaornibe Dabire, Director of Energy and Mines, who represented the ECOWAS Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalisation, Sediko Douka. In attendance were members of the World Bank delegation, the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) and coordinators of the National Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of Member States where the projects are being implemented. Experts from the ECOWAS Directorates of Energy and Mines, of Financial Reporting and Grants, and the Procurement Division are also taking part in the meeting.