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Thanks to the advent of technology, shopping is now just clicks away. In line with that, plenty of eCommerce brands have flourished over the past few years, offering endless campaigns to attract audiences.

Getting buyers to click the buy button is not the end of the game. They need to make them keep coming back to turn them into loyal customers. But, the task is not simple as you have to brave the sea of competitors.

Adjusting the right e-commerce marketing strategy by creating post-purchase customer engagement campaigns is vital to improving retention. In this article, you’ll find some of the best practices to help you build loyal customers. Without further ado, let’s delve more into it!

Send Personalized Transactional Emails

A way to establish post-purchase customer engagement is by sending personalized transactional emails. Typically, a transactional email consists of greetings, a thank-you note, and order details.

Personalized emails will leave a better impression on customers. You may also include product recommendations, best offers, or in-progress campaigns, along with detailed transaction information.

Giving such information lets your customers keep an eye on your eCommerce brand. At the same time, you can build deeper relationships by providing informational content.

Provide A Loyalty Program or Rewards

A loyalty program can effectively improve retention for your eCommerce. There are many options to create an exciting loyalty program. You may consider some of the best loyalty programs below:

Point-based loyalty products

Point-based is the most common type of loyalty reward. This type of loyalty rewards allows customers to accumulate reward points from purchases to redeem vouchers, cashback, or freebies. They will be more excited to shop again when they claim certain promotions.

Tiered loyalty programs

A tiered loyalty program categorizes customers into ranks, such as silver, gold, and platinum, based on certain metrics. The higher the levels, the more exclusive rewards they’ll get, such as free shipping or discount vouchers.

Value-based loyalty programs

Value-based programs differ from the previous two because customers can’t get the rewards themselves. Besides, brands will allocate a certain amount of their purchases to welfare or charity programs. This kind of loyalty program will build deeper connections with their customers.

Provide Easy Returns and Refund

Customers love good services, such as easy returns and refund policies. Over 30% of customers return the products they buy online because they are different from their expectations. 

Sellers can’t completely guarantee that their products will satisfy their customers or meet their expectations. On the other hand, buyers sometimes resist because they don’t want to buy the wrong products.

Therefore, an easy return and refund policy will ease buyers to make decisions. Also, they still have options whenever they buy faulty products and avoid wasting money. That’s why big eCommerce companies like Amazon have long implemented return services.

Send Valuable Content

Customers will be happier to receive informational emails rather than promotional ones. Providing informative content will make your customers feel loved and appreciated.

For example, a buyer purchases a bottle of perfume from your eCommerce brand. You may consider sending them valuable emails, such as ‘ways to save perfume’ or ‘how to make your perfume last longer.

Include soft promotional at the end of your content, such as providing product recommendations according to your customer’s taste.


ECommerce brands need to create post-purchase customer engagement campaigns to survive in the online shopping industry. By now, they should at least implement one of those points to improve retention.

From sending personalized emails to providing valuable content to the customers, the above all points will help improve the brand’s image. Lastly, always give the best service to the customers to complete their shopping experience.

When an eCommerce brand has a mass of loyal customers and constantly shows positive trends, it’ll be more likely to survive and last long in the global market.


Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video production company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

Twitter: @breadnbeyond

Email/Gravatar: [email protected]   

LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro