Lower back pain can be a persistent nuisance for many individuals, impacting daily activities and overall quality of life. While seeking medical advice is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment, physical therapy offers a proactive approach to managing and alleviating discomfort. Let’s delve into some effective exercises recommended by physical therapists across Australia to target lower back pain and promote flexibility, strength, and mobility.

Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic tilts are a fundamental exercise often recommended by physical therapists to address lower back pain. They serve as a cornerstone for strengthening the muscles in the lower back and abdomen, which play a crucial role in providing support and stability to the spine. This simple yet effective movement can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.

To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your knees flexed and your feet resting flat on the floor. The next step is tilting your pelvis upward, pressing your lower back right into the floor, and then releasing. This gentle movement helps to strengthen the core muscles while improving posture and spinal alignment.

Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is another beneficial exercise for strengthening the muscles of the lower back, buttocks, and thighs. To begin, find a comfortable space where you can lie on your back, such as a yoga mat or padded floor. Bend your knees and place your feet hip-width apart, ensuring they are firmly planted on the ground. Allow your arms to rest alongside your body with palms facing down, providing stability and support.

Activate your core muscles by softly pulling your navel towards your spine. With your core engaged, press firmly through your heels as you begin to lift your hips towards the ceiling. Visualize forming a straight alignment extending from your shoulders to your knees, while keeping a subtle arch in your lower back.

Cat-Cow Stretch

The cat-cow stretch is a gentle yet effective way to increase flexibility and mobility in the spine, offering relief from lower back discomfort. Start on both your hands and knees, with wrists directly under shoulders and knees under hips.

As you breathe in, arch your back, allowing your belly to descend towards the floor while simultaneously raising your head and tailbone towards the ceiling, resembling the posture of a cow. As you exhale, round your spine by tucking your chin towards your chest and drawing your belly button inward. Flow smoothly between these two positions, syncing movement with breath for a soothing stretch.

Individuals with scoliosis can typically perform this exercise, but they should be mindful of their spinal curvature and avoid excessive twisting or arching that may cause discomfort. If you want to incorporate this exercise into your daily routine, it’s recommended to consult a scoliosis specialist in Brisbane for further clarification on how to safely perform these movements.

Knee-to-Chest Stretch

The knee-to-chest stretch serves as a straightforward yet vital component of your fitness regimen. Begin by lying on your back with legs extended. Gently hug one knee towards your chest, keeping the opposite leg straight or bent if more comfortable. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, then switch legs. This stretch helps to lengthen the muscles of the lower back and buttocks while improving flexibility and reducing stiffness.

Bird Dog Exercise

The bird dog exercise targets core stability and balance while also engaging the muscles of the lower back and hips. To master this exercise, put yourself in the same starting position as you would for the cat-cow stretch.

The next step is to extend one arm forward and the opposite leg back, maintaining a straight line from fingertips to toes. Pause for a brief moment, then revert to the initial position before transitioning to the opposite side. Focus on keeping the spine stable and avoiding arching or rounding the back.

Wall Sits

Wall sits are an excellent way to build strength in the lower body, including the muscles of the lower back, hips, and thighs. Position yourself with your back against a wall, then ease into a seated posture with knees bent at a right angle and thighs aligned parallel to the floor.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, then rise back up. Go for several repetitions, gradually increasing the duration as your strength improves. Wall sits help to improve posture, stability, and endurance in the lower body, which can contribute to alleviating lower back pain.


Incorporating these exercises into your routine under the guidance of a qualified physical therapist can play a pivotal role in managing and reducing lower back pain. Remember to start gradually, listen to your body, and seek professional advice if you experience persistent or worsening symptoms.

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