Pay-Per-Click and Search Engine Optimization are the most commonly targeted online marketing strategies. Both strategies can promote a company’s products or services to potential customers searching on Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines. However, using either of these methods without adequately understanding the risks involved is a mistake. These two strategies can easily be abused by unscrupulous marketers looking to generate income from your website by targeting specific keywords or different web pages depending on how much you paid for advertisement placement.

However, the Marketing 2.0 Conference discussion professes that when getting your business website traffic, don’t expect Google and other search engines to play by the same rules as they do for other websites. You must perform various services and practices to ensure that your website isn’t penalized for misuse or suspicious behavior. It can be a lot for small businesses without SEO or PPC staff experience.

These digital advertising channels can also be challenging to navigate. There are several scams and misleading practices that target online advertisers. Stay alert and avoid these pitfalls by learning about the most common SEO and PPC scams and how you can respond to them.

SEO Scams 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an extensive term covering many activities. If you’re serious about online marketing, you know that optimization is necessary for websites, blogs, and social media accounts for search engines to find relevant content and links. SEO involves preparing your website for search engines by removing hidden or deceptive keywords and ensuring consistency in Page Title, Meta Keywords, URL Structure, and Content.

SEO (Search engine optimization) is an ever-changing area. As such, it’s impossible to say what will or won’t work in 2022. Marketing 2.0 Conference reviews that many SEO experts are aware of the scams they will encounter on the web, but they may not know all the different types. Even seasoned SEO experts can fall victim to one or more of these scams now and then.

  • Black Hat SEO:
    Keyword Stuffing, low-quality content, and paying for links are relatively common problems with many websites and often result in black hat SEO. In other words, if one is trying to use black hat SEO strategies deliberately must be trying to deceive google into thinking that it’s more relevant than it is. The new algorithm update might penalize sites that use deceptive tactics.
  • SEO Duplicate Content:
    It can be a significant issue for your site’s SEO. The more pages you have on your site, the more work Google has to do to crawl and index them. Duplicate content can occur when a page contains the same content as an existing page on another site. Google will then crawl your site and look for content that matches the links and keywords in the articles you’ve copied and pasted.
  • Internal Linking:
    You are linking one page to another from within your site. For example, a blog entry might include a link to the homepage and a link to a guestimate post about the same topic. This kind of internal linking does not get indexed by Google, so it’s not considered good content. Redirects and internal linking can be a problem for your SEO if the links are to pages on your site you no longer host.
  • Anchor Text Errors:
    Anchor text errors are relatively common and can significantly impact your SEO. The most common mistakes are using the wrong keyword and the word ‘should’ instead of ‘will.’ For example, the following two anchor text mistakes will result in incorrect or unindexed results from Google:
    “How to get off JIT” should be used to anchor your leading site, not your blog entries. “How to get your business started” should be used to anchor your leading site, not your blog entries.

PPC Scams

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an advertising strategy businesses use to drive website conversions. It involves purchasing Facebook or Google ads alongside other websites’ content and activating them when a visitor clicks on their advertisement. PPC fraud occurs when an advertiser pays for clicks on their ads that result in no conversions. Facebook and Google’s algorithms prevent this fraud, so the advertiser pays just for the impression. It means that if the advertiser only intended for the ad to appear on Facebook, they will pay nothing. Pay-per-click fraud is detrimental to the advertiser’s bottom line, so one must avoid it at all costs. Below are the common PPC Frauds discussed at Marketing 2.0 Conference.

  • Limited-Skill PPC Fraud
    Here, the advertiser pays for the click on their ad, but the person clicking on their ad has no idea that they’re clicking on an ad. The ad is an imposter, and the person clicking on the ad is a real customer. This fraud is widespread on Facebook, where users are often unaware that they are being promoted online ads. Ads like these can lead to a wrong impression, affecting the advertiser’s revenue down the road.
  • Decoy PPC Ads
    These ads are very misleading because they look like the ads that genuine advertisers are running. They look like the ads that the users are most likely to view, and therefore, they trick the users into thinking that these are the ads the advertisers are running. This type of fraud is prevalent on Google because the algorithm behind the results pages is more likely to show the ads that are more likely to appear at the top of the page.
  • Imitation PPC Ads
    Here, the advertiser pays for the impression on a decoy, but the person who clicks on the ad is someone who has bought a competitor’s product. The advertiser is hoping that the person will think they bought the product too, and they will therefore be more inclined to buy from the advertiser.

Avoid SEO & PPC Scams 

SEO and PPC fraud are common problems. It is a type of online marketing fraud that occurs when someone uses a website or an online ad to make money. It occurs when someone buys a website or an ad that is shown to potential customers to make money. SEO and PPC fraud is a serious problem that can have severe consequences for the person doing it and the targeted business. The foremost thing people must do is ensure they are not doing SEO or PPC fraud. If you are doing it, you are not only putting your business at risk, but you are also putting yourself at risk of being found out. There are several ways to detect such fraud.

The best way to avoid SEO and PPC fraud, as directed by Marketing 2.0 Conference, is to do your research before using any marketing strategy. Make sure you are familiar with the types of websites that are likely to be penalized by Google or other search engines. Also, make sure you are careful of any SEO or PPC scams that may be happening in your industry. Lastly, ensure you are not relying on third parties to help you with your SEO or PPC strategy. If you do, you may pay more than you need for services that are not worth the cost. 

Another way to avoid SEO and PPC fraud is to make sure that you have a good website that is well-designed and that you have good content on your website. Another way to avoid this scam is to make sure that you are using a reputable SEO or PPC service provider with good credibility and who has been trusted by other businesses in the past. Another way to avoid SEO and PPC fraud is to use a site where you can see how other businesses have been doing. 


The world of search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) ads has become increasingly complex for businesses looking to advertise and broadcast their products or services on the world’s most significant search engines. The volume of online searches has increased at an impressive pace, which means that the opportunities for advertisers are also increasing, and frauds related to it are also increasing significantly. Marketing 2.0 Conference ensures its audience is informed and does not fall for scams and fraud