“Bob’s Burgers” is a beloved animated series that’s come to the big screen. Taking place between the 12th and thirteenth seasons, this movie follows Bob, his family, and the challenges they face in running Bob’s Burgers. The movie also follows the kids as they investigate the murder of a carnie.

Calvin Fishoeder

In this Bob’s Burgers movie showtime, Kevin Kline plays maniacal landlord Calvin Fischoeder, who owns most of the properties in town, including Wonder Wharf amusement park. He is a colorful, eccentric character who has a romantic history with Linda’s sister, Gayle. In the movie, he rents out the Belcher’s house to the family during Thanksgiving.

While the movie has a lot of original characters, the film manages to stay true to its source material without ever becoming a parody. The film’s humor has always been a little awkward, and it never apologizes for it. Its focus is always on awkward situations that make its characters uncomfortable. While the movie may not have been a box office success, it did bring 2D animation back to theaters. The last time Disney released a 2D film was in 2011.

The movie begins with the Fischoeder family in debt. As the movie progresses, the kids go on a mission to find out who the killer is. They believe that Calvin’s brother, Felix, is the real culprit. Meanwhile, Bob and Linda try to drum up business. However, the kids are able to locate the Fischoeders’ hiding place, where they discover the real culprit. In the end, they find out that Dan Fischoeder was murdered by his father, and that his father had planned to build a mega park on his property.

Jimmy Jr.

It’s possible that Tina and Jimmy Jr.’s relationship will continue in the new season, but there’s also a chance that it’ll end in a messy fallout. Whether or not this happens, we’ll find out in the fall. After all, it’s been a long time since Tina has been open about her feelings for Jimmy Jr.

While their relationship is on-again-off-again, there are plenty of moments in which the two find themselves falling in love. In the episode “Presto Tina-o”, Tina attempts to win Jimmy Jr.’s attention by slow-dancing and kissing him. Despite Tina’s awkwardness and indecision, she’s happy to kiss him and confirm her feelings for him. However, some fans believe Tina is better suited with Zeke, Jimmy Jr.’s friend.


The newest Bob’s Burgers movie will feature the older sister, Tina, as the main character. Although she was originally a boy, she is now a teenager who is struggling with pubescent feelings. She struggles to figure out whether to ask Jimmy Jr. out, while also trying to become a member of the Thundergirls troop. In the movie, Tina is voiced by male actor Dan Mintz, known for his deadpan delivery.

The movie has the same premise as the original TV series: a massive sinkhole threatens the town’s only burger shop, and the Belcher kids are preparing for the end of the school year. Meanwhile, Tina wants to kiss her crush. Gene, meanwhile, has invented a vibraslap instrument in hopes of making her dream a reality.

The burger suit

The burger suit is one of the most iconic images from the Bob’s Burgers movies. Originally a one-off character, it is now part of the franchise. The character was created by writer-director David Wain. He has been a member of sketch comedy group The State and has also appeared in other television series. The burger suit has become an iconic image, and has since been featured on TV shows like Parks and Rec and 30 Rock.

The Bob’s Burgers movie will follow a similar format to the TV show. The trailer for the film shows shots of the ingredients used in burgers, and then cuts to a shot of Linda wearing a bikini over the burger suit. It is unclear whether the burger costume will be the main attraction in the film, or if the burger suit will be the main focus of the film.

The sinkhole

In the movie “Bob’s Burgers,” a sinkhole is created by a ruptured water main. It’s a disaster that threatens the family restaurant business. The Belcher family tries to keep the business running over the summer, but their troubles end up in a sinkhole. The sinkhole turns into a crime scene, and the kids are forced to find a murderer to save their family restaurant.

After the sinkhole is repaired, the restaurant re-opens. It’s the perfect opportunity for the Belcher family to apologize to the town for losing business and risking their lives. Eventually, they earn their rent and have enough money to buy the restaurant. The sinkhole was a great part of the movie, but it’s not the only one.