A board of directors runs the home owner’s association, and it is the responsibility of the directors to set up the rules and regulations for the neighborhood. So before one decides to buy a house in a community with the homeowners association, there are a couple of things one should be mindful of; here are several advantages and disadvantages of the homeowners association.

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The one advantage of living in a community with an HOA is that it manages the area, from the play grounds to the roads and swimming pools. They are all maintained by the home owner’s association so that one can live carefree in that community. It is their responsibility to manage and take care of everything in that area, and this is an excellent benefit for the individuals who live there as they don’t have to worry about those specific things. The home owner’s association makes everything easier for the people who live there as they can enjoy the spaces without worrying about the maintenance of those places. Get the idea from residential housing projects.


The HOA is accountable for the exterior of the house, which includes all the repairing and fixing of the outside of the house also the fence, which means one doesn’t have to spend thousands of dollars in repairing anything; the homeowners association will be responsible for repairing anything that involves the exterior of the house, this is a good advantage as the constant repairing of the house costs a lot and is a significant burden for the people, so this turn into a significant relief for the people living there. So when one lives in a community with a homeowners association, they don’t have to spend their money on constant repairs and fixing of the house.


The homeowners association will also help in solving problems between the neighbors; if there is an issue that arises, the association is the mediator, and they act as the witness as well, so if one sees one of the neighbors violate any rules or cause a disturbance so instead of dealing with them, one can quickly just call the homeowners association. They can handle the problem; they will talk to the neighbor and oblige to the rules or even give them some punishment; more so, one doesn’t have to get involved in these disturbances and can easily let the association deal with it.



One of the significant disadvantages is that people living in an HOA have to pay specific fees every month as the homeowners association is responsible for all the fixing and repairment of the houses, they take a certain amount of money from the people living there, and that amount can increase it is not fixed. It will be increased if the association feels like they aren’t getting the right amount of funds, so in return, people living there have to deal with this burden of paying the fee, which can change at any moment.


A homeowners association has specific rules that everyone in that area is bound to follow; these rules and regulations include the association deciding what color one can paint the doors and the walls, the people are not able to choose the colors of their house, other restrictions include the number of vehicles that can enter in the area and can be parked in that area and if one refuses to follow these rules they might have to pay certain fines. So this can be a significant disadvantage as the people living there do not have the freedom to do basic things, and it might become difficult for them to live like that.


So a homeowners association can have both advantages and disadvantages; one should decide fully before making a decision; the association will make a lot of things more accessible but also harder at the same time. So the pros and cons are equal.

Author Bio

Muhammad Junaid is senior Analyst, and Search Engine Expert. Extensive experience being an IT Manager in Park View City. Work for years with local and international enterprises. Also, represent well-known brands in the UAE.