An OTG (Oven Toaster Griller) has become a must-have appliance in every home owing to its innumerable benefits. Besides baking, it can also be used to rewarm, grill and toast food, thus making lives more convenient and much easier. Many advanced OTGs also come with convection and rotisserie functions. 

If you have just invested in an OTG (Oven Toaster Griller) but are new to using this appliance, you should have a thorough knowledge of its features so that you can make the best use of it. To cook tasty dishes and maximise your experience of cooking in it, here is how you can make the most out of it. 

Bake, Toast and Grill

Whether you are craving for freshly baked chocolate fudge cake, spicy grilled chicken or toasted garlic bread, your OTG oven is the ideal appliance to make it all. You can even set the heating mode as per your cooking requirements. There are knobs available to set the time and temperature as well depending on what the recipe demands. So, just adjust it accordingly to cook a range of delicacies efficiently and easily. 

Convection and Rotisserie

Many advanced OTG models come with a convection and rotisserie feature as well, which allow you to explore a vast range of new dishes. The convection feature gives the right level of browning and texture for your favourite dishes through even circulation of hot air. 

If your OTG has an inbuilt rotisserie feature and forks, it lets you perfectly grill meat and vegetables as it rotates the food constantly and automatically. Ensure that you make the most out of this feature. You can easily string the meat and veggies on the fork to cook. With this, you can enjoy home-made spit-roasts and barbeques for a perfect dinner with family and friends. 

Preheat Carefully As Per Needs

Remember that you need to preheat the OTG before cooking anything in it. The recipe you are preparing generally calls for preheating for a specific duration. So, set the time and temperature accordingly. 

If you fail to prevent the appliance, you cannot expect your dish to turn out the way it should. If the OTG is preheated to a higher temperature than your food is likely to be burnt. If it is preheated to a lower temperature, your food may not be cooked properly. 

If you have an oven thermometer, you can use it to check whether the OTG is heated to the required temperature before you begin cooking. This is a good solution to avoid problems. 

Place the Cooking Tray Carefully

An OTG is equipped with many grooves on either side inside. To ensure even cooking, place the grill or cooking tray in the grooves in the middle. You can change the position as per the results you want or the recipe.  

Hassle-Free Cooking

To enjoy a hassle-free cooking experience, choose the right heating mode, adjust the temperature and set the time as the recipe calls for. This gives the best results. Once the food is cooked, an indicator will beep to indicate that the food is ready. Take the food out, allow the appliance to cool down and wipe it off with a clean cloth. Keep the above things in mind to ensure that you get the maximum out of your OTG oven. Practice cooking often in this appliance – the more you use it, the better you can get acquainted with using it. This is the best way to get the most out of your OTG – this is true not just for your OTG but any other appliance like a bread toaster, induction stove or bread maker.