If you’ve been in an accident and want to file a personal injury claim, the first thing you need to do is find the best personal injury solicitor near Longford. It’s important that you choose a solicitor who will fight for your rights, so how do you go about finding one?

Ask a Lawyer for a Recommendation

  • Ask a Lawyer for a Recommendation

In some cases, you can find the best personal injury solicitor in Longford by asking a lawyer you trust. A good place to start is with your own lawyer. Ask them if they have any recommendations or suggestions that they would recommend to their clients. If they do not have any personal recommendations, ask them if they know anyone who would be willing to make one on your behalf and then get back in touch with them once you’ve spoken with that person.

  • Ask Someone Who Has Experience in Personal Injury Law

Another way of finding the right solicitor for your case is by asking someone who works in personal injury law themselves as this will give them an idea of which firms are well known within their field of expertise as well as how familiar these firms are when dealing with cases similar to yours. They’ll also be able to tell whether these companies tend towards taking on smaller claims (and therefore charging lower fees) or larger ones (which means higher fees).

Check the Firm’s Website

The first place you should look for information about a personal injury law firm is their website. There are many things to consider, such as:

  • How long has the firm been in business?
  • Are there lawyers from the firm on LinkedIn with lots of connections and experience?
  • What awards has the firm won—for example, does it specialize in medical negligence or have top-tier results for its clients?
  • Is there a blog or other resources that show an active interest in their area of expertise (such as legal news and updates)?

Review Online Reviews

  • Check the number of reviews. The more reviews a solicitor has, the better it is for you to be able to gauge their reputation.
  • Star rating. A good review has a high star rating and low negative comments. It’s also worth looking at what the 1-star reviewer said about the solicitor and whether other reviewers agree with them or not: if there are many negative comments but they all seem unrelated, this could be an indication that they might not be genuine.
  • Content of reviews. Read some of the reviews yourself to get an idea as to whether a particular solicitor is right for your case—it can help you decide if you want to meet up with him/her in person or not!

Contact the Law Society

Contacting the Law Society is a great way to find out more about a solicitor. The Law Society is a professional body that regulates solicitors and can provide information about them. This includes details of their experience and qualifications, as well as information on any complaints made against them.

Finding the best personal injury solicitor in Longford is important because you want to ensure you pick a solicitor who will fight on your behalf.

Finding the best personal injury solicitor in Longford is important because you want to ensure you pick a solicitor who will fight on your behalf.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when looking for a good personal injury solicitor:

  • Ask friends, family members or colleagues if they can recommend anyone.
  • Look at online reviews and ratings of different solicitors’ practices to see which ones have had good reviews.


So, there you have it! If you are looking for a personal injury solicitor in Longford, these are some of the best ways to find one. We hope that this article helps give you some peace of mind when approaching lawyers and solicitors so that your case can be handled with the utmost care and attention.