Even though monitor have become a ubiquitous accessory in this modern world. But the sages examined the different versions. to buy products worth the price

This is a complete guide for many users who want to own a monitor. And hope to give you valuable advice in buying a monitor according to your needs and budget.

Laptops for students – in general Students need affordable monitor for 3d modeling that are readily available. And it comes with user-friendly software and portable format. in general Students choose monitor that are lightweight and easy to carry, which is why “netbooks” are entering the world of monitor. It is specially designed to entertain students in every way possible while using it. The “netbook” is small and consumes little power. It’s also affordable, like $500, or even within that budget. The truth is that these “netbooks” have small screens and run on low-powered single-core CPUs. One of the best alternatives for a slightly lower budget for students is monitor with 13″ screens. Better for research and writing papers online. Because it is powered by dual CPUs and has an optical drive. It is in high demand as a handy monitor for students.

Note- Students must manage the monitor configuration with at least 1 GB RAM, 160 GB hard drive, and a 13-inch display with a powerful multitasking processor.

Business monitor- monitor that are essential for business purposes should be robust and robust and should have all the options to protect and secure the tools and files stored on the computer. The monitor should satisfy any user who works in the IT department. Government Real Estate Agency Construction Company, etc. Most of the monitor from leading brands are made with the business user in mind Lenovo Thinkpad, Dell Latitude etc. We offer these monitor with service.

Note – Business professionals who want to own a monitor should look for a monitor with a configuration of 2-4 GB RAM, a 160 GB hard drive, a 15-inch screen and native Windows software as it is easily accessible. mobile internet and memory card reader Web cameras and speakers for monitor seminars

Professional photographers/videographers – High-definition and high-definition photographers and videographers need a monitor that fits their profession. They need a powerful processor. discrete graphic interface Large and fast hard drive and all powerful machines Apple’s 15-inch and 17-inch screen monitor would be ideal for the customers offered by the company’s Macbook.

The “netbook” is small and consumes little power. It’s also affordable, like $500, or even within that budget. The truth is that these “netbooks” have small screens and run on low-powered single-core CPUs. One of the best alternatives for a slightly lower budget for students is monitor with 13″ screens. Better for research and writing papers online. Because it is powered by dual CPUs and has an optical drive. It is in high demand as a handy monitor for students.

Note- These professionals should look for monitor with configurations such as 4Gb-8GB Ram, 320Gb 7400 RPM hard drives, and large 17-inch displays with USB drives and compatible hardware and software.

For kids and gamers – monitor are also available for kids who like to play games. PC video games have become the latest trend and have prompted many monitor manufacturers to think about it. 3D games have emerged that add a new dimension to the players. That said, the Intel Core 2 Quad and Core i7 CPUs are great for gamers. In addition, NVIDIA’s GE force N260 GPU is recommended.

Note- Every gamer should look for a monitor with 4GB to 8GB RAM, 320GB 7200rpm hard drive and 17 inch screen with discrete graphic interface.

Home monitor– Home users often need their monitor to watch movies, surf websites, etc. So a good processor and DVD recorder is more than enough for them.

Note: 2 GB-4 GB RAM and 250 GB hard disk space is enough for a monitor for home use, a 17-inch screen and a DVD recorder is enough for monitor users.