A major rise has been noticed in the percentage of workforces operating remotely post-pandemic. The world is moving towards virtual offices more and more. And while this brings a lot of benefits, including flexible timings, no hassle of commute, the opportunity to work from different parts of the globe, and a lot more, it does bring up security and data protection as a major concern. An estimated 43% of the total data breaches involve small businesses that operate remotely, reports DBIR. Thus, businesses from around the globe have to take security much more seriously. If you’re wondering how to keep a remote workforce’s data and online activities safe, VPN is certainly the only option.

If you’re unsure about how a business VPN can keep things secure while boosting the productivity and efficiency of your workforce, this blog post covers it all to ease your hassle. 

Creates a 100% Secure Connection 

While remote work brings great benefits, it always comes with a risk of data theft and breaches, for the employees might have to connect to unsecured networks. Embedding a quality VPN to your business network can help keep all the connections 100% secure so your employees can freely connect to whichever network they come across and utilize their maximum productivity at work without any delays or lags because of connectivity issues. 

Encourages Secured File Sharing and Collaboration 

Office networks are important to make file sharing and collaboration convenient within an organization. It keeps your data and files secure from breaches or theft. However, implementing such networks might block access to files and information shared by remote employees. And they could be restricted from accessing files and information from inside the organizational network. But the good news is that using a quality VPN service can allow even remote employees to access data and files on the office network, and those from inside the organization can access files and information shared by the remote workforces. 

A VPN keeps the connection between the network and employees’ devices fully encrypted, so you don’t have to worry about security breaches or theft – getting the chance to work with full productivity and produce maximum revenues. 

Allow Accessing Blocked or Geo-Restricted Websites 

Some countries have certain websites and content blocked. For example, you cannot access even major sites like Google, YouTube, and Facebook in China. Dropbox is also blocked in the Chinese region. Thus, if your employees are traveling to China or fully reside there, they would face major restrictions in accessing important information and files – greatly impacting the work productivity and efficiency. A quality VPN service can be a hero in such situations. It can allow you to connect to your choice of server, and boom – you’d be able to access whatever you want from wherever around the globe. 

Maximize Your Internet Speeds 

If you’re running a business, you must know that your success depends on high-speed internet more than ever in today’s world. ISP throttling is a common practice that majorly declines your internet speed, causing pages to take a lot more time to load than usual. There could be several reasons why your connection is throttled, including network congestion, detection of a different traffic type such as torrenting, accessing particular pages, etc. 

Whichever the reason, it can majorly impact the productivity of your work and cause a decline in efficiency. However, setting up a quality VPN connection can prevent ISP throttling and let your workforce enjoy full-speed internet and work on maximum productivity. 


Now that you know how a business VPN can help boost your productivity and efficiency, your next task should be looking around for the best business VPN services and setting up the one that suits your requirements perfectly.