When looking for a woofer, the number of inches will be the deciding factor if you want to be as thorough as possible. The correct answer is “yes.” But so do your requirements! What are the most critical differences between subwoofers with a diameter of 12 inches and those with 18 inches?

Both of the subwoofers make a bass that is very different from the other. The 18-inch subwoofer puts out more bass than its 12-inch sister. As a direct result, the 18-inch subwoofer uses much more energy. Regarding distortion, subwoofers with a diameter of 18 inches are more likely to show signs of it than subwoofers with 12 inches.

It could be not very clear to compare a subwoofer that is 12 inches wide to one 18 inches long as it is to reach a 12 inches wide to one the same length. 

You can have a fun jam session or a relaxing drive with a good sound system. Either one of these could happen. Now that you know the basics of some things we’ve discussed, let’s get right to the meat of the conversation.

A detailed look at subwoofers that are 12 inches and 18 inches in diameter

If you want the best speakers for listening to music inside, you should look for ones with 12-inch drivers. Because the basses are only 18 inches deep, they aren’t intense, so it’s better to listen to them in a small space.

Many people have different ideas about whether 12-inch or 18-inch subwoofers are better for open or closed spaces. Customers think that 12-inch subwoofers are much better for use in the home than 18-inch subwoofers.

It’s normal for you to be confused about how big the subwoofers are, so don’t worry. Interestingly, people have trouble deciding whether they want front-height speakers or surround rear speakers in their audio systems. But keep in mind that the size of an item is not always a good indicator of its quality.

Regarding size, subwoofers come in many different shapes and sizes. Woofers with 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 inches diameters are often interesting. When buying new speakers, it’s important to do tests that measure the low-frequency range and sound pressure level.

Choose a good wood for the speaker’s housing cabinet to keep the speaker in good working order. On top of that, you’ll have to design and make the right clothes for your speaker.

Why not use a smaller subwoofer box instead of a big one?

Sometimes, a big subwoofer box will work better than a smaller one. The size of the subwoofer might not be suitable for the job you want it to do. There can’t be any air leaks in the speaker box or cabinet. By doing this, you’ll be able to control both the bass and the movement since you’ll be able to ensure the bass is tight.

Is it wise to spend money on 18-inch subwoofers? Absolutely. If you don’t care about how much it weighs or how much space it takes up, you can use an 18-inch subwoofer. On the other hand, it is strongly recommended that you don’t use them in an area that is too small for them. The best 18-inch subwoofers are often saved for outdoor concerts.

When comparing 12-inch and 18-inch home theater subwoofers, many factors outside and inside the speakers must be considered. Find out about 12-inch and 18-inch subwoofers to make an informed choice.

The area will tell us how big the sub needs to be

If you need a speaker for an outdoor performance, a subwoofer with an 18-inch driver is the best option.

The sound from 18-inch subwoofer speakers can fill an ample space, like a nightclub, theater, concert hall, or stadium! Even though there are no sound-absorbing walls, they have been replaced with walls that are 12 inches thick.

Here’s something that should make you laugh: A system with 18-inch drivers set up in a full circle could cover an area that is 34,000 square meters in size. Its dimensions are about the same as those of a soccer stadium.

This speaker is the best you can get if you go to many important events outside, like concerts or parties. The 18th edition of the Skar Audio Single “The subwoofer has the most power of the speakers in this size range. It can make such great bass because its RMS power output is 600 watts. Trust me when I say that your heads will tilt in that direction no matter where you take them.

A subwoofer with 12 inches of excursion can’t make a bass that goes as low as a subwoofer with 18 inches. Since they reflect the waves, which of the walls gives you the most pleasant experience?

On the other hand, this isn’t the worst thing you could do if you don’t want to wake up your neighbors. It’s hard to move the 18-inch sub from one place to another because it’s about the size of a small refrigerator. The 18-inch subwoofer is durable because its cone is made with an injection molding process. Because of this, you will have a lot of freedom of movement.

Benefits of using a sub with a width of 18 inches

Regarding subwoofer drivers, the amount of sound pressure is related to the size of the driver. The sound pressure level increases as the size increases (Sound Pressure Level). A loudspeaker can make 95 decibels (dB) of good pressure-level sound when powered by one watt of electricity (SPL).

The bass will be more profound if a speaker’s Sound Pressure Level rating is higher. A sound with a strong bass will make you feel like your chest will burst.

When buying speakers, most people look for ones with more robust bass. Because of this, you have to find out what size subwoofer gives the most powerful bass.

The 18-inch-diameter giant subwoofer will give you more powerful bass and make your chest beat. On the other hand, the beats produced by the 12-inch subs will be more noticeable than those made by the 12-inch drivers.

Because of this, most people choose to use power tubes to boost the audio signal and keep the output consistent. If you have to find something to blame, point to how the piston moves and how it is controlled.

What’s going on with Thickness?

A driver with an 18-inch-diameter head would seem to weigh more than one with a 12-inch-diameter cone. It is hard to get to different places when carrying so much weight because it is hard to move around.

An 18-inch driver subwoofer weighs between 32 and 64 pounds and is usually moved with an industrial cart. These subwoofers might be a little hard to move around. So please think about it carefully before you go ahead and take that first step!

A 12-inch subwoofer, which can weigh anywhere from 12 to 40 pounds, is much less critical than an 18-inch subwoofer, even though it is heavier. If you do it this way, you won’t have to worry about the stress of being on the road with your band!

It’s easier to carry around a portable speaker that isn’t big and heavy. If they are inside, you will only need two to rock during your performances; nevertheless, more will be discussed in the following sentence.

Behavioral Patterns That Tend to Distort

Large subwoofers are more likely to distort than small ones because their diameters are bigger. So, a subwoofer with a driver that is 18 inches in diameter is more likely to have distortion than one with a driver that is 12 inches in diameter.

Because of the way the piston moves, more significant drivers, like an 18-inch subwoofer speaker, are harder to control and sometimes have a lot of potential to cause distortion.

The end consequence is a hazier audio quality with fewer details. In certain situations, amplifiers can help fix problems with distortion. Compared to drivers with a large surface area, drivers with a small space may be easier to control by moving the pistons because they have less room. So, the subwoofer with the 18-inch driver is more likely to distort than the 12-inch driver.

There must be some good news somewhere, right? Another way to keep subwoofers 12 inches from distorting sounds is to use a crossover. And part of that is making sure you are always using a suitable amplifier.

How much power does an amp need for a 12-inch driver?

The average power you can get from a subwoofer with a 12-inch speaker is 10 watts. To reduce or eliminate the chance of distortion, you must use an amplifier that can put out at least 200 watts of power. The strong transient hits will be stabilized thanks, in part, to the contribution of this power amplifier.

As you consider it, you’ll discover that loudspeakers with a more extensive surface area will need more power to produce the same sound level. The fact that 18-inch subwoofers need a lot of amplifier current and magnetic energy could be one reason they use so much power.

Some might think the power needed to run one 18-inch subwoofer or two 12-inch subwoofers is almost the same. One of the most surprising things about these speakers is how little electricity their 12-inch subwoofers use.

Do give this a second thought, even if it may not be the most critical factor in persuading a customer to make a buy. If you don’t have many outdoor concerts, you might be able to save more energy by using two 12″ subwoofers instead of one 18″ subwoofer. In this way, all the while providing you with a musical experience that meets up to the standards you set for it.

Where can I find the subwoofer with the most powerful bass response?

When comparing two or more speakers, the biggest one often has the most profound and influential bass. The reason for this is that the diameter of the speaker’s driver has been expanded, increasing the sound pressure level produced by the speaker. This makes the bass sound both deeper and more substantial.

After reading the article that discusses the differences between 12 and 18-inch subwoofers, you are very close to reaching your goal. You need to pay more attention to choosing the best subwoofer for your needs and save money. It would be best to ensure that the amplifier and the motor are in good working order before you send out all that cash.