Everybody likes to know that they are appreciated and loved, no matter the occasion, your special someone is “the” person who always should be placed in the very top place. Sometimes small but thoughtful romantic gestures can clearly show how much that person means to you and no matter the day or time, giving them a present or surprising them with a lush bouquet is a direct representation of your love and affection. If you want to show your girlfriend just how much you care for her and how much she means to you, here are some excellent romantic gestures that would sweep your girlfriend off her feet.

1. Make her lunch

Breakfast in bed and a splendid dinner at a fancy restaurant have already been probably checked, but if you honestly want to make a surprising thoughtful gesture, you just make her lunch. Just imagine coming home after a long and hectic day at work to a room filled with the juicy smells of home-cooked meals. There’s no need to go big when it comes to lunch or act as Jamie Oliver, on the other hand, a plain plate of delicious spaghetti or casserole would do the trick. Just make sure that you follow the recipe, get all the vital ingredients so you don’t mess something up, and you are good to go.

2. Send lovely flowers

Fresh and colorful blooms are one of the best ways to surprise your girlfriend. You can nowadays order a beautiful flower bouquet online and have it sent to her office or home with a note saying how much you love her. Consult the florist about what the most romantic bouquet would be or look into what are the most popular seasonal flowers at the time so she would see you went the extra mile for her. Flowers are a timeless gift no matter the occasion and they have always managed to put a smile on a person’s face, so there is no mistake with this romantic gesture.

3. Leave her cute notes all around

Sometimes a person cannot tell how much you love them unless it is written on paper or written on a note. If you find yourself at your girlfriend’s place or you have slept over there but need to leave, do your best to also leave a cute note on the pillow beside her as well. Leaving a little note on the pillow, on a fridge, stuck on the bathroom mirror, or in the drawer will most definitely surprise her positively. A note can be anything from telling her the simple “I love you”, or letting her know how beautiful or special she is or how proud you are of all she does. Don’t be afraid to draw a heart or two on the note.

4. Dedicate a song for her on the radio

Even though this used to be a popular thing in the past, despite the expansion of digital technology and easy-to-listen apps, there are plenty of people who prefer radios to YouTube or Spotify. If your girlfriend is a big fan of a certain bend or there is a special song that she absolutely adores and for a fact you know that she listens to the radio at work or when commuting to her job, then it would be a great surprising gesture to get the radio play a song, especially for her. Let the radio present leave a message from you to her by saying some loving or kind words. Dedicating a song for her and arranging a shout-out on the radio so that the whole world can hear would surely make her fall in love with you even more.

5. Go on a surprise picnic

The sun, the breeze, the sound of birds chirping, the romance in the air – what more can you ask for? Skip taking your girlfriend to a dinner in a city and opt for something more peaceful and breathtaking and organize a nice picnic at a local park or nearby forest. If the weather is soothing and pleasant you can spend the whole afternoon lying around, sipping juice, eating snacks, and above all enjoying peaceful surrounding and one another. Going on a spontaneous picnic would be a great way to escape from a hustle and bustle of a city and solely focus on listening to one another and enjoying each other’s company without interruption.

6. Give her a helping hand

One of the most thoughtful romantic gestures that would undoubtedly surprise your girlfriend and leave her speechless is doing things around the house instead of a house. Unless you are in a long-term relationship, the chances are that she would not tell you directly that she needs help doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, vacuuming the house, walking the dog, or similar. If you truly want o surprise your girlfriend, do some simple house chores instead of her such as doing the laundry, going shopping, or doing dry cleaning errands. Consider assisting her with some DIY project such as fixing a faulty faucet or replacing a dated doorknob.

7. Prepare a soothing candle-lit bath

Another way to show your appreciation and love you feel towards your better half is to prepare her a soothing bath to help her ease up her muscle and fight tension off after a busy day at work. Ask for a key to her apartment or if you are already living together just fill up the bath with hot water that would later be perfect when she arrives and place a bath boom with lavender or rose scent. Add sea salt for an extra spa-like effect and light plenty of candles. Don’t place candles too close to the water and place a wireless speaker to play music for her from the other side. Also, don’t let her use her telephone, and ensure she is maximally disconnected from all media so that she could utterly let loose. Making her feel special and good about herself goes a long way in making your girlfriend like you more than she does.

8. Go on an “active” weekend getaway

Skip some of the rituals you do together and surprise her with something unique. If you are both sporty types of people, a romantic gesture could be going on a weekend getaway that includes a lot of action. No, not (only) that kind of action! Plan out a weekend with a lot of sporty activities that you like doing together. One option is placing a tend at a local camping site and hiking or cycling up the hills and enjoying the serenity of nature around you. Another way to spice up the weekend together is going on a wine tour which includes reading wine but also an active stroll around the vineyards and as a cherry on the top sip wine on a blanket while watching the sunset.

9. Do one thing you always neglect

All relationships are a work in progress, and with that in mind, the chances are that there will always be some things that you have forgotten or simply neglected in your relationship. Through the many days spent together and the many conversations you have had with your girlfriend, there will always be something you have missed doing or said you would do, but somehow failed or neglected to complete. Well, if you are looking for a thoughtful romantic gesture to surprise her with, now it’s the time to do that thing you have been promising her for ages. This could be simply picking the right brand of chips she prefers, squeezing the lemon without pulp, or anything that would signal her that you care and that you are listening.

10. Spend more time together

As we live in this frenzy tech-driven world, it gets easy to get entangled in the abundance of daily activities or get driven into the social media frenzy. When you are together next time, show how much you respect and care for her by putting your smartphone away and/or on mute and dedicating all your free time solely to her. Not only is spending more time together a romantic gesture, but it also specifies how much she means to you and to what extent you would go to let her know that you care for her and nothing else matters when you are together.

11. Come up with a personalized gift

Exchanging gifts is a normal or, how to put it, an implied part of any relationship, however, if you want to sweep your girlfriend off her thing, think about giving her a personalized gift. Unique personalized gifts represent a meaningful gesture that shows that you attentively listen to your girlfriend and pay attention to the things she loves. It could be anything from buying the amazing lingerie that she loves or getting personalized chocolate with a cute note that would take her breath away.

It’s not hard to be romantic when you have a person you love by your side, it only takes creativity, devotion, and a little bit of help to put things into action. Hopefully, these romantic gestures would help you surprise your girlfriend the way she deserves.