Last Updated on March 18, 2024 by Jawad Ali

Relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding. The better is the understanding, the stronger will be the bond. But at the same time, it is crucial to establish boundaries and clear notions of consent. This is the key to maintaining individual personalities while you have a relationship. Both partners should have a clear understanding of consent to ensure there is no bitterness in their partnership. Here we have a few tried and tested tips which will help to understand consent even when your partner do not speak out about their views.

The easiest solution is “ask directly”

The simplest way to understand if your partner consents or not is to ask them directly. However, this works best when both of you have a respectful and healthy relationship already. it is crucial to establish boundaries and clear notions of consent. This is the key to maintaining individual personalities while you have a relationship. Both partners should have a clear understanding of consent to ensure there is no bitterness in their partnership. Here we have a few tried and tested tips which will help to understand consent even when your partner do not speak out about their views.If your partner feels uncomfortable sharing their true opinion with you, even asking would not help. In such situation, you can ask and observe their body language as they answer. More on that comes in our next tip.

Learn to read their body language

An effective way to understand anyone, including your partner is reading the body language. Observe the way they look, how they hold themselves, the voice modulation- all these will give you an idea about what is going on in their mind. Are they avoiding your gaze or fidgeting while replying? That might be a sign of non-consent even if they say something positive. In such a situation, it is best that you go by your instinct rather than taking their words at face value.

Do not push an opinion

Never push your partner into agreeing about a certain perspective. When you are pushy, your partner is likely to become more cooped up and inexpressive. It will only lead to estranged relationship that eventually breaks down. Instead try and understand what is causing the difference of opinion. Pay attention to their perspective. If your partner has a valid point, you should be open to considering their opinion too. Remember that consent works both ways and unless you are open to understanding their view point, the relationship would suffer.

Take small steps before getting experimental

More than anything, intimacy requires a thorough understanding of the boundaries and consent. Discuss in detail what are off-limits for your partner. If you wish to be experimental, introduce the ideas cautiously. Maybe you can start with presenting them toys like sex dolls. Focus more on experimental acts which are pleasurable for them. eventually they would become more interested and enthusiastic to explore other aspects of the physical intimacy too.

Have open dialogues

Last but not the least, discuss open without any inhibitions about what you expect from the relationship. Have detailed discussion about what are off-limit situations and topics. If needed have written records so that you can be mindful of their expectations. However, ensure that it is a mutual thing.

A relationship will be strong only when both the partners feel respected and valued. If even one fails to understand the signs of non-consent, there can be a deep scar in the relation. With the tips shared above, you can make sure the right boundaries are maintained in your relationship. This will help both the partners to thrive and feel comfortable around each other.